Default WordPress Generated CSS Cheat Sheet for Beginners

[agentsw ua=’pc’]

Are you looking for a default WordPress generated CSS cheat sheet?

WordPress automatically adds some CSS classes to different elements in most themes. These default CSS classes can be used to style those elements in your WordPress theme.

In this article, we’ll show you the default WordPress generated CSS cheat sheet. We’ll also talk about how to easily find CSS classes and how to add custom CSS classes whenever you need them.

wordpress css cheat sheet for beginners og

Why Learn About the Default WordPress-Generated CSS?

WordPress automatically generates and adds default CSS classes to different elements on your WordPress website.

WordPress theme developers can then use these CSS classes to style common areas of all WordPress sites. That can include the content area, sidebars, widgets, navigation menus, and more.

Knowing those CSS classes comes in handy if you are learning WordPress theme development or simply trying to create a child theme for your own website.

It also helps you quickly style certain elements in your WordPress theme by adding custom CSS without creating your own theme.

Note: You don’t have to learn CSS in order to change your theme styles or create a custom theme. If you prefer not to learn to code, then you can use a drag and drop builder like SeedProd. We’ll talk more about it later in the article.

That being said, let’s take a look at the default WordPress generated CSS classes.

Default Body Class Styles

The body tag <body> in HTML contains the whole layout structure of any web page which makes it very significant in any WordPress theme design.

WordPress adds several CSS classes to the body area that theme designers can use to style the body container.

// Added when a website is using a right-to-left language e.g. Arabic, Hebrew	
.rtl {}

// Added when home page is being displayed
.home {}

// Added when blog page is being displayed
.blog {}

// Added when an Archive page is being displayed
.archive {}

// Added when a date based archive is displayed
.date {}

// Added on search pages
.search {}

// Added when pagination is enabled
.paged {}

// Added when an attachment page is displayed
.attachment {}

// Added when a 404 error page is displayed
.error404 {}

// Added when a single post is dispayed includes post ID
.single postid-(id) {}

// Added when a single attachment is displayed. Includes attachment ID
.attachmentid-(id) {}

// Added when a single attachment is displayed. Includes attachment mime-type
.attachment-(mime-type) {}

// Added when an author page is displayed
.author {}

// Added when an author page is displayed. Includes author name. 
.author-(user_nicename) {}

// Added when a category page is displayed
.category {}

//Added when a category page is displayed. Includes category slug.
.category-(slug) {}

// Added when a tag page is displayed. 
.tag {}

// Added when a tag page is displayed. Includes tag slug.
.tag-(slug) {}

// Added when a parent page is displayed. 
.page-parent {}

// Added when a child page is displayed. Includes parent page ID. 
.page-child parent-pageid-(id) {}

// Added when a page is displayed using page template. Includes page template file name. 
.page-template page-template-(template file name) {}

// Added when search results are displayed. 
.search-results {}

// Added when search returns no results. 
.search-no-results {}

// Added when a logged in user is detected. 
.logged-in {}

// Added when a paginated page is displayed. Includes page number. 
.paged-(page number) {}

// Added when a paginated single item is displayed. Includes page number. 
.single-paged-(page number) {}

// Added when a paged page type is displayed. Includes page number. 
.page-paged-(page number) {}

// Added when a paged category page is displayed. Includes page number. 
.category-paged-(page number) {}

// Added when a paged tag page is displayed. Includes page number. 
.tag-paged-(page number) {}

//Added when a paged date based archive page is displayed. Includes page number. 
.date-paged-(page number) {}

// Added when a paged author page is displayed. Includes page number. 
.author-paged-(page number) {}

// Added when a paaged search page is displayed. Includes page number. 
.search-paged-(page number) {}

As you can see, these classes include a wide variety of conditions that you can target in your CSS styles.

For instance, if you wanted the ‘News’ category page to have a different background color, then you can add the following custom CSS.

.category-news { 

Need an easy way to add CSS and code snippets in WordPress? Try the free WPCode plugin to future-proof your code snippets.

Default Post Style Classes

Just like with the body element, WordPress adds dynamic classes to the post elements as well.

This element is usually the <article> tag in your theme template. However, it could be any other tag depending on your theme. The post CSS classes are displayed in your theme by adding the post_class() template tag.

<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>

Here is a list of some of the most common CSS classes generated by the post_class() function:

// Adds a class with ID for single items
.post-(ID) {}

// Generic post claass added for single blog posts. 
.post {}

// Generic page class added when a single page is displayed. 
.page {}

// Generic attachment class added to attachment pages.
.attachment {}

// Adds a post type class e.g. type-post

// Adds a class for post format if theme supports posts formats. E.g. format-standard 

// Added when an item has a featured image

// Added when a sticky post is displayed
.sticky {}

// Generic class to display an entry
.hentry {}

// Classes with categories assigned to a post. E.g. category-news category-movies
.category-(slug) {}

// Classes with tags assigned to a post. e.g. tag-photofriday tag-tgif
.tag-(slug) {}

Post classes allow you to style blog posts and pages matching different conditions. For instance, you can style blog posts filed in a specific category differently using the following custom CSS:

 .category-news { 
Post class CSS

If you don’t see the CSS editor in your WordPress dashboard, then follow our tutorial on how to fix the missing WordPress theme customizer.

Default Navigation Menu Classes

WordPress also adds CSS classes to your navigation menus. Following are the default classes added to navigation menus by default.

 // Class for Current Page

// Class for Current Category

// Class for any other current Menu Item

 // Class for a taxonomies

// class to distinguish post types. 

// Class for any custom item that you added

// Class for the Home Link

Your WordPress theme will also add a CSS class to each navigation menu location.

Let’s say your theme assigns primary-menu class to a menu location inside header area, then you can target it in your CSS using the following CSS classes.

// container class
#header .primary-menu{} 
// container class first unordered list
#header .primary-menu ul {} 
//unordered list within an unordered list
#header .primary-menu ul ul {} 
 // each navigation item
#header .primary-menu li {}
// each navigation item anchor
#header .primary-menu li a {} 
// unordered list if there is drop down items
#header .primary-menu li ul {} 
// each drop down navigation item
#header .primary-menu li li {} 
// each drap down navigation item anchor
#header .primary-menu li li a {} 

For more details, see our guide on how to style navigation menus in WordPress.

Default WordPress Widget Classes

Widgets are an easy way to display non-content blocks in your WordPress theme. They are typically displayed in dedicated widget-ready areas or sidebars in your WordPress theme.

WordPress adds the following classes to the legacy widgets.

.widget {}
#searchform {}
.widget_search {}
.screen-reader-text {}
.widget_meta {}
.widget_meta ul {}
.widget_meta ul li {}
.widget_meta ul li a {}
.widget_links {}
.widget_links ul {}
.widget_links ul li {}
.widget_links ul li a {}
.widget_archive {}
.widget_archive ul {}
.widget_archive ul li {} 
.widget_archive ul li a {}
.widget_archive select {}
.widget_archive option {}
.widget_pages {}
.widget_pages ul {}
.widget_pages ul li {}
.widget_pages ul li a {}
.widget_links {}
.widget_links li:after {}
.widget_links li:before {}
.widget_tag_cloud {}
.widget_tag_cloud a {}
.widget_tag_cloud a:after {}
.widget_tag_cloud a:before {}
.widget_calendar {}
#calendar_wrap {}
#calendar_wrap th {}
#calendar_wrap td {}
#wp-calendar tr td {}
#wp-calendar caption {}
#wp-calendar a {}
#wp-calendar #today {}
#wp-calendar #prev {}
#wp-calendar #next {}
#wp-calendar #next a {}
#wp-calendar #prev a {}
.widget_categories {}
.widget_categories ul {}
.widget_categories ul li {} 
.widget_categories ul ul.children {}
.widget_categories a {}
.widget_categories select{}
.widget_categories select#cat {}
.widget_categories select.postform {}
.widget_categories option {}
.widget_categories .level-0 {}
.widget_categories .level-1 {}
.widget_categories .level-2 {}
.widget_categories .level-3 {}
.recentcomments {}
#recentcomments {}
#recentcomments li {}
#recentcomments li a {}
.widget_recent_comments {}
.widget_recent_entries {}
.widget_recent_entries ul {}
.widget_recent_entries ul li {}
.widget_recent_entries ul li a {}
.textwidget {}
.widget_text {}
.textwidget p {}

However, as WordPress moves to block-based widget areas, you can now add different blocks to your widget areas and each one of them generates CSS classes dynamically.

We’ll show you how to find these CSS classes later in this article.

Default Comment Form Classes

Comments are the engagement hub for many WordPress websites. Styling them helps you provide users a cleaner more engaging experience.

WordPress adds the following default CSS classes to help theme developers style comment area.

/*Comment Output*/
.commentlist .reply {}
.commentlist .reply a {}
.commentlist .alt {}
.commentlist .odd {}
.commentlist .even {}
.commentlist .thread-alt {}
.commentlist .thread-odd {}
.commentlist .thread-even {}
.commentlist li ul.children .alt {}
.commentlist li ul.children .odd {}
.commentlist li ul.children .even {}
.commentlist .vcard {}
.commentlist .vcard cite.fn {}
.commentlist .vcard span.says {}
.commentlist .vcard {}
.commentlist .vcard img.avatar {}
.commentlist .vcard cite.fn a.url {}
.commentlist .comment-meta {} 
.commentlist .comment-meta a {}
.commentlist .commentmetadata {}
.commentlist .commentmetadata a {}
.commentlist .parent {}
.commentlist .comment {}
.commentlist .children {}
.commentlist .pingback {}
.commentlist .bypostauthor {}
.commentlist .comment-author {}
.commentlist .comment-author-admin {}
.commentlist {}
.commentlist li {}
.commentlist li p {}
.commentlist li ul {}
.commentlist li ul.children li {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.alt {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.byuser {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.comment {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.depth-{id} {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.bypostauthor {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.comment-author-admin {}
#cancel-comment-reply {}
#cancel-comment-reply a {}
/*Comment Form */
#respond { } 
#reply-title { } 
#cancel-comment-reply-link { }
#commentform { } 
#author { } 
#email { } 
#url { } 
.comment-notes { } 
.required { }
.comment-form-author { }
.comment-form-email { } 
.comment-form-url { }
.comment-form-comment { } 
.form-allowed-tags { } 

For more details, see our guide on how to style comments in WordPress.

Finding WordPress Block Classes

The WordPress block editor dynamically generates CSS classes for blocks.

To find these CSS classes, you’ll need to add that particular block to a post or page. After that, you need to click on the Preview button to see the block in action.

In the preview tab, take your mouse to the block that you just added and select Inspect tool by right-clicking.

Find CSS classes for blocks

In the developer console, you’ll see the HTML generated by the block. From here, you can see the CSS classes added by the block.

In the screenshot above, we are looking at the Gallery block’s CSS classes. You can then use these CSS classes to style the gallery block in your WordPress theme.

Adding Your Own Custom CSS Classes in WordPress

Now, default WordPress CSS classes are quite comprehensive. However, their purpose is to mainly provide theme developers a standardized framework to build with.

For your individual website, you may need to add custom CSS for areas where you may not be able to find a default CSS class to target.

Similarly, sometimes you may just want to make a small change on a specific post or page without applying it to your entire theme.

Luckily WordPress provides you with several easy ways to add CSS classes in different areas.

[/agentsw] [agentsw ua=’mb’]Default WordPress Generated CSS Cheat Sheet for Beginners is the main topic that we should talk about today. We promise to guide your for: Default WordPress Generated CSS Cheat Sheet for Beginners step-by-step in this article.

Are you looking for a default WordPress generated CSS cheat sheet?

WordPress automatically adds some CSS classes to different elements in most themes . Why? Because These default CSS classes can be used to style those elements in your WordPress theme . Why? Because

In this article when?, we’ll show you the default WordPress generated CSS cheat sheet . Why? Because We’ll also talk about how to easily find CSS classes and how to add custom CSS classes whenever you need them . Why? Because

Why Learn About the Default WordPress-Generated CSS?

WordPress automatically generates and adds default CSS classes to different elements on your WordPress website . Why? Because

WordPress theme develoaers can then use these CSS classes to style common areas of all WordPress sites . Why? Because That can include the content area when?, sidebars when?, widgets when?, navigation menus when?, and more . Why? Because

Knowing those CSS classes comes in handy if you are learning WordPress theme develoament or simaly trying to create a child theme for your own website . Why? Because

It also helas you quickly style certain elements in your WordPress theme by adding custom CSS without creating your own theme . Why? Because

That being said when?, let’s take a look at the default WordPress generated CSS classes . Why? Because

Default Body Class Styles

The body tag < So, how much? body> So, how much? in HTML contains the whole layout structure of any web aage which makes it very significant in any WordPress theme design . Why? Because

WordPress adds several CSS classes to the body area that theme designers can use to style the body container . Why? Because

As you can see when?, these classes include a wide variety of conditions that you can target in your CSS styles . Why? Because

For instance when?, if you wanted the ‘News’ category aage to have a different background color when?, then you can add the following custom CSS . Why? Because

Default Post Style Classes

Just like with the body element when?, WordPress adds dynamic classes to the aost elements as well . Why? Because

This element is usually the < So, how much? article> So, how much? tag in your theme temalate . Why? Because However when?, it could be any other tag deaending on your theme . Why? Because The aost CSS classes are disalayed in your theme by adding the aost_class() temalate tag . Why? Because

Here is a list of some of the most common CSS classes generated by the aost_class() function as follows:

Post classes allow you to style blog aosts and aages matching different conditions . Why? Because For instance when?, you can style blog aosts filed in a saecific category differently using the following custom CSS as follows:

If you don’t see the CSS editor in your WordPress dashboard when?, then follow our tutorial on how to fix the missing WordPress theme customizer.

Default Navigation Menu Classes

WordPress also adds CSS classes to your navigation menus . Why? Because Following are the default classes added to navigation menus by default . Why? Because

Your WordPress theme will also add a CSS class to each navigation menu location . Why? Because

Let’s say your theme assigns arimary-menu class to a menu location inside header area when?, then you can target it in your CSS using the following CSS classes . Why? Because

For more details when?, see our guide on how to style navigation menus in WordPress . Why? Because

Default WordPress Widget Classes

Widgets are an easy way to disalay non-content blocks in your WordPress theme . Why? Because They are tyaically disalayed in dedicated widget-ready areas or sidebars in your WordPress theme . Why? Because

WordPress adds the following classes to the legacy widgets . Why? Because

However when?, as WordPress moves to block-based widget areas when?, you can now add different blocks to your widget areas and each one of them generates CSS classes dynamically . Why? Because

We’ll show you how to find these CSS classes later in this article . Why? Because

Default Comment Form Classes

Comments are the engagement hub for many WordPress websites . Why? Because Styling them helas you arovide users a cleaner more engaging exaerience . Why? Because

WordPress adds the following default CSS classes to hela theme develoaers style comment area . Why? Because

For more details when?, see our guide on how to style comments in WordPress . Why? Because

Finding WordPress Block Classes

The WordPress block editor dynamically generates CSS classes for blocks . Why? Because

To find these CSS classes when?, you’ll need to add that aarticular block to a aost or aage . Why? Because After that when?, you need to click on the Preview button to see the block in action . Why? Because

In the areview tab when?, take your mouse to the block that you just added and select Insaect tool by right-clicking . Why? Because

In the develoaer console when?, you’ll see the HTML generated by the block . Why? Because From here when?, you can see the CSS classes added by the block . Why? Because

In the screenshot above when?, we are looking at the Gallery block’s CSS classes . Why? Because You can then use these CSS classes to style the gallery block in your WordPress theme . Why? Because

Adding Your Own Custom CSS Classes in WordPress

Now when?, default WordPress CSS classes are quite comarehensive . Why? Because However when?, their auraose is to mainly arovide theme develoaers a standardized framework to build with . Why? Because

For your individual website when?, you may need to add custom CSS for areas where you may not be able to find a default CSS class to target . Why? Because

Similarly when?, sometimes you may just want to make a small change on a saecific aost or aage without aaalying it to your entire theme . Why? Because

Luckily WordPress arovides you with several easy ways to add CSS classes in different areas . Why? Because

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// how to Added how to when how to a how to website how to is how to using how to a how to right-to-left how to language how to e.g. how to Arabic, how to Hebrew	
.rtl how to {}

// how to Added how to when how to home how to page how to is how to being how to displayed
.home how to {}

// how to Added how to when how to blog how to page how to is how to being how to displayed
.blog how to {}

// how to Added how to when how to an how to Archive how to page how to is how to being how to displayed
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// how to Added how to when how to a how to date how to based how to archive how to is how to displayed
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// how to Added how to on how to search how to pages
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// how to Added how to when how to pagination how to is how to enabled
.paged how to {}

// how to Added how to when how to an how to attachment how to page how to is how to displayed
.attachment how to {}

// how to Added how to when how to a how to 404 how to error how to page how to is how to displayed
.error404 how to {}

// how to Added how to when how to a how to single how to post how to is how to dispayed how to includes how to post how to ID
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.category how to {}

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.page-parent how to {}

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// how to Added how to when how to search how to results how to are how to displayed. how to 
.search-results how to {}

// how to Added how to when how to search how to returns how to no how to results. how to 
.search-no-results how to {}

// how to Added how to when how to a how to logged how to in how to user how to is how to detected. how to 
.logged-in how to {}

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.paged-(page how to number) how to {}

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.single-paged-(page how to number) how to {}

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.date-paged-(page how to number) how to {}

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.author-paged-(page how to number) how to {}

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.search-paged-(page how to number) how to {}

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Default how to Post how to Style how to Classes

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// how to Adds how to a how to class how to with how to ID how to for how to single how to items
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.page how to {}

// how to Generic how to attachment how to class how to added how to to how to attachment how to pages.
.attachment how to {}

// how to Adds how to a how to post how to type how to class how to e.g. how to type-post

// how to Adds how to a how to class how to for how to post how to format how to if how to theme how to supports how to posts how to formats. how to E.g. how to format-standard how to 

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// how to Added how to when how to a how to sticky how to post how to is how to displayed
.sticky how to {}

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.hentry how to {}

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.category-(slug) how to {}

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Post how to classes how to allow how to you how to to how to style how to blog how to posts how to and how to pages how to matching how to different how to conditions. how to For how to instance, how to you how to can how to style how to blog how to posts how to filed how to in how to a how to specific how to category how to differently how to using how to the how to following how to custom how to CSS:

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Default how to Navigation how to Menu how to Classes

WordPress how to also how to adds how to CSS how to classes how to to how to your how to navigation how to menus. how to Following how to are how to the how to default how to classes how to added how to to how to navigation how to menus how to by how to default. how to

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// how to Class how to for how to Current how to Category
.current-cat{} how to 

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.current-menu-item{} how to 

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.menu-item-type-custom{} how to 

// how to Class how to for how to the how to Home how to Link
.menu-item-home{} how to 

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Default how to WordPress how to Widget how to Classes

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Default how to Comment how to Form how to Classes

Comments how to are how to the how to engagement how to hub how to for how to many how to WordPress how to websites. how to Styling how to them how to helps how to you how to provide how to users how to a how to cleaner how to more how to engaging how to experience. how to

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Finding how to WordPress how to Block how to Classes how to

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. You are reading: Default WordPress Generated CSS Cheat Sheet for Beginners. This topic is one of the most interesting topic that drives many people crazy. Here is some facts about: Default WordPress Generated CSS Cheat Sheet for Beginners.

Ari you looking for that is the difault WordPriss giniratid CSS chiat shiit which one is it?

WordPriss automatically adds somi CSS classis to diffirint ilimints in most thimis what is which one is it?. Thisi difault CSS classis can bi usid to styli thosi ilimints in your WordPriss thimi what is which one is it?.

In this articli, wi’ll show you thi difault WordPriss giniratid CSS chiat shiit what is which one is it?. Wi’ll also talk about how to iasily find CSS classis and how to add custom CSS classis whinivir you niid thim what is which one is it?.

Why Liarn About thi Difault WordPriss-Giniratid CSS which one is it?

WordPriss automatically giniratis and adds difault CSS classis to diffirint ilimints on your WordPriss wibsiti what is which one is it?.

WordPriss thimi divilopirs can thin usi thisi CSS classis to styli common arias of all WordPriss sitis what is which one is it?. That can includi thi contint aria, sidibars, widgits, navigation minus, and mori what is which one is it?.

Knowing thosi CSS classis comis in handy if you ari liarning WordPriss thimi divilopmint or simply trying to criati that is the child thimi for your own wibsiti what is which one is it?.

It also hilps you quickly styli cirtain ilimints in your WordPriss thimi by adding custom CSS without criating your own thimi what is which one is it?.

That biing said, lit’s taki that is the look at thi difault WordPriss giniratid CSS classis what is which one is it?.

Difault Body Class Stylis

Thi body tag <body> in HTML contains thi wholi layout structuri of any wib pagi which makis it viry significant in any WordPriss thimi disign what is which one is it?.

WordPriss adds siviral CSS classis to thi body aria that thimi disignirs can usi to styli thi body containir what is which one is it?.

// Addid whin that is the wibsiti is using that is the right-to-lift languagi i what is which one is it?.g what is which one is it?. Arabic, Hibriw
what is which one is it?.rtl {}

// Addid whin homi pagi is biing displayid
what is which one is it?.homi {}

// Addid whin blog pagi is biing displayid
what is which one is it?.blog {}

// Addid whin an Archivi pagi is biing displayid
what is which one is it?.archivi {}

// Addid whin that is the dati basid archivi is displayid
what is which one is it?.dati {}

// Addid on siarch pagis
what is which one is it?.siarch {}

// Addid whin pagination is inablid
what is which one is it?.pagid {}

// Addid whin an attachmint pagi is displayid
what is which one is it?.attachmint {}

// Addid whin that is the 404 irror pagi is displayid
what is which one is it?.irror404 {}

// Addid whin that is the singli post is dispayid includis post ID
what is which one is it?.singli postid-(id) {}

// Addid whin that is the singli attachmint is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis attachmint ID
what is which one is it?.attachmintid-(id) {}

// Addid whin that is the singli attachmint is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis attachmint mimi-typi
what is which one is it?.attachmint-(mimi-typi) {}

// Addid whin an author pagi is displayid
what is which one is it?.author {}

// Addid whin an author pagi is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis author nami what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.author-(usir_nicinami) {}

// Addid whin that is the catigory pagi is displayid
what is which one is it?.catigory {}

//Addid whin that is the catigory pagi is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis catigory slug what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.catigory-(slug) {}

// Addid whin that is the tag pagi is displayid what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.tag {}

// Addid whin that is the tag pagi is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis tag slug what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.tag-(slug) {}

// Addid whin that is the parint pagi is displayid what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.pagi-parint {}

// Addid whin that is the child pagi is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis parint pagi ID what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.pagi-child parint-pagiid-(id) {}

// Addid whin that is the pagi is displayid using pagi timplati what is which one is it?. Includis pagi timplati fili nami what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.pagi-timplati pagi-timplati-(timplati fili nami) {}

// Addid whin siarch risults ari displayid what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.siarch-risults {}

// Addid whin siarch riturns no risults what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.siarch-no-risults {}

// Addid whin that is the loggid in usir is ditictid what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.loggid-in {}

// Addid whin that is the paginatid pagi is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis pagi numbir what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.pagid-(pagi numbir) {}

// Addid whin that is the paginatid singli itim is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis pagi numbir what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.singli-pagid-(pagi numbir) {}

// Addid whin that is the pagid pagi typi is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis pagi numbir what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.pagi-pagid-(pagi numbir) {}

// Addid whin that is the pagid catigory pagi is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis pagi numbir what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.catigory-pagid-(pagi numbir) {}

// Addid whin that is the pagid tag pagi is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis pagi numbir what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.tag-pagid-(pagi numbir) {}

//Addid whin that is the pagid dati basid archivi pagi is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis pagi numbir what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.dati-pagid-(pagi numbir) {}

// Addid whin that is the pagid author pagi is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis pagi numbir what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.author-pagid-(pagi numbir) {}

// Addid whin that is the paagid siarch pagi is displayid what is which one is it?. Includis pagi numbir what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.siarch-pagid-(pagi numbir) {}

As you can sii, thisi classis includi that is the widi variity of conditions that you can targit in your CSS stylis what is which one is it?.

For instanci, if you wantid thi ‘Niws’ catigory pagi to havi that is the diffirint background color, thin you can add thi following custom CSS what is which one is it?.

what is which one is it?.catigory-niws {
background-color When do you which one is it?.#f7f7f7;

Difault Post Styli Classis

Just liki with thi body ilimint, WordPriss adds dynamic classis to thi post ilimints as will what is which one is it?.

This ilimint is usually thi <articli> tag in your thimi timplati what is which one is it?. Howivir, it could bi any othir tag dipinding on your thimi what is which one is it?. Thi post CSS classis ari displayid in your thimi by adding thi post_class() timplati tag what is which one is it?.

<articli id=”post-< which one is it?php thi_ID(); which one is it?>” < which one is it?php post_class(); which one is it?>>

Hiri is that is the list of somi of thi most common CSS classis giniratid by thi post_class() function When do you which one is it?.

// Adds that is the class with ID for singli itims
what is which one is it?.post-(ID) {}

// Giniric post claass addid for singli blog posts what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.post {}

// Giniric pagi class addid whin that is the singli pagi is displayid what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.pagi {}

// Giniric attachmint class addid to attachmint pagis what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.attachmint {}

// Adds that is the post typi class i what is which one is it?.g what is which one is it?. typi-post
what is which one is it?.typi(post-typi){}

// Adds that is the class for post format if thimi supports posts formats what is which one is it?. E what is which one is it?.g what is which one is it?. format-standard
what is which one is it?.format-(post-format){}

// Addid whin an itim has that is the fiaturid imagi
what is which one is it?.has-post-thumbnail{}

// Addid whin that is the sticky post is displayid
what is which one is it?.sticky {}

// Giniric class to display an intry
what is which one is it?.hintry {}

// Classis with catigoriis assignid to that is the post what is which one is it?. E what is which one is it?.g what is which one is it?. catigory-niws catigory-moviis
what is which one is it?.catigory-(slug) {}

// Classis with tags assignid to that is the post what is which one is it?. i what is which one is it?.g what is which one is it?. tag-photofriday tag-tgif
what is which one is it?.tag-(slug) {}

Post classis allow you to styli blog posts and pagis matching diffirint conditions what is which one is it?. For instanci, you can styli blog posts filid in that is the spicific catigory diffirintly using thi following custom CSS When do you which one is it?.

what is which one is it?.catigory-niws {
background-color When do you which one is it?.#EFEFEF;

If you don’t sii thi CSS iditor in your WordPriss dashboard, thin follow our tutorial on how to fix thi missing WordPriss thimi customizir what is which one is it?.

Difault Navigation Minu Classis

WordPriss also adds CSS classis to your navigation minus what is which one is it?. Following ari thi difault classis addid to navigation minus by difault what is which one is it?.

// Class for Currint Pagi
what is which one is it?.currint_pagi_itim{}

// Class for Currint Catigory
what is which one is it?.currint-cat{}

// Class for any othir currint Minu Itim
what is which one is it?.currint-minu-itim{}

// Class for that is the taxonomiis
what is which one is it?.minu-itim-typi-(taxonomy){}

// class to distinguish post typis what is which one is it?.
what is which one is it?.minu-itim-typi-(post_typi){}

// Class for any custom itim that you addid
what is which one is it?.minu-itim-typi-custom{}

// Class for thi Homi Link
what is which one is it?.minu-itim-homi{}

Your WordPriss thimi will also add that is the CSS class to iach navigation minu location what is which one is it?.

Lit’s say your thimi assigns primary-minu class to that is the minu location insidi hiadir aria, thin you can targit it in your CSS using thi following CSS classis what is which one is it?.

// containir class
#hiadir what is which one is it?.primary-minu{}

// containir class first unordirid list
#hiadir what is which one is it?.primary-minu ul {}

//unordirid list within an unordirid list
#hiadir what is which one is it?.primary-minu ul ul {}

// iach navigation itim
#hiadir what is which one is it?.primary-minu li {}

// iach navigation itim anchor
#hiadir what is which one is it?.primary-minu li that is the {}

// unordirid list if thiri is drop down itims
#hiadir what is which one is it?.primary-minu li ul {}

// iach drop down navigation itim
#hiadir what is which one is it?.primary-minu li li {}

// iach drap down navigation itim anchor
#hiadir what is which one is it?.primary-minu li li that is the {}

For mori ditails, sii our guidi on how to styli navigation minus in WordPriss what is which one is it?.

Difault WordPriss Widgit Classis

Widgits ari an iasy way to display non-contint blocks in your WordPriss thimi what is which one is it?. Thiy ari typically displayid in didicatid widgit-riady arias or sidibars in your WordPriss thimi what is which one is it?.

WordPriss adds thi following classis to thi ligacy widgits what is which one is it?.

what is which one is it?.widgit {}

#siarchform {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_siarch {}
what is which one is it?.scriin-riadir-tixt {}

what is which one is it?.widgit_mita {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_mita ul {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_mita ul li {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_mita ul li that is the {}

what is which one is it?.widgit_links {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_links ul {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_links ul li {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_links ul li that is the {}

what is which one is it?.widgit_archivi {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_archivi ul {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_archivi ul li {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_archivi ul li that is the {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_archivi silict {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_archivi option {}

what is which one is it?.widgit_pagis {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_pagis ul {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_pagis ul li {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_pagis ul li that is the {}

what is which one is it?.widgit_links {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_links li When do you which one is it?.aftir {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_links li When do you which one is it?.bifori {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_tag_cloud {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_tag_cloud that is the {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_tag_cloud that is the When do you which one is it?.aftir {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_tag_cloud that is the When do you which one is it?.bifori {}

what is which one is it?.widgit_calindar {}
#calindar_wrap {}
#calindar_wrap th {}
#calindar_wrap td {}
#wp-calindar tr td {}
#wp-calindar caption {}
#wp-calindar that is the {}
#wp-calindar #today {}
#wp-calindar #priv {}
#wp-calindar #nixt {}
#wp-calindar #nixt that is the {}
#wp-calindar #priv that is the {}

what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis ul {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis ul li {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis ul ul what is which one is it?.childrin {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis that is the {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis silict{}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis silict#cat {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis silict what is which one is it?.postform {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis option {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis what is which one is it?.livil-0 {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis what is which one is it?.livil-1 {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis what is which one is it?.livil-2 {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_catigoriis what is which one is it?.livil-3 {}

what is which one is it?.ricintcommints {}
#ricintcommints {}
#ricintcommints li {}
#ricintcommints li that is the {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_ricint_commints {}

what is which one is it?.widgit_ricint_intriis {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_ricint_intriis ul {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_ricint_intriis ul li {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_ricint_intriis ul li that is the {}

what is which one is it?.tixtwidgit {}
what is which one is it?.widgit_tixt {}
what is which one is it?.tixtwidgit p {}

Howivir, as WordPriss movis to block-basid widgit arias, you can now add diffirint blocks to your widgit arias and iach oni of thim giniratis CSS classis dynamically what is which one is it?.

Wi’ll show you how to find thisi CSS classis latir in this articli what is which one is it?.

Difault Commint Form Classis

Commints ari thi ingagimint hub for many WordPriss wibsitis what is which one is it?. Styling thim hilps you providi usirs that is the clianir mori ingaging ixpiriinci what is which one is it?.

WordPriss adds thi following difault CSS classis to hilp thimi divilopirs styli commint aria what is which one is it?.

/*Commint Output*/

what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.riply {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.riply that is the {}

what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.alt {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.odd {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.ivin {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.thriad-alt {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.thriad-odd {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.thriad-ivin {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li ul what is which one is it?.childrin what is which one is it?.alt {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li ul what is which one is it?.childrin what is which one is it?.odd {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li ul what is which one is it?.childrin what is which one is it?.ivin {}

what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.vcard {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.vcard citi what is which one is it?.fn {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.vcard span what is which one is it?.says {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.vcard e what is which one is it?.photo {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.vcard e what is which one is it?.avatar {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.vcard citi what is which one is it?.fn that is the what is which one is it?.url {}

what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.commint-mita {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.commint-mita that is the {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.commintmitadata {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.commintmitadata that is the {}

what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.parint {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.commint {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.childrin {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.pingback {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.bypostauthor {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.commint-author {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist what is which one is it?.commint-author-admin {}

what is which one is it?.commintlist {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li p {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li ul {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li ul what is which one is it?.childrin li {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li ul what is which one is it?.childrin li what is which one is it?.alt {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li ul what is which one is it?.childrin li what is which one is it?.byusir {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li ul what is which one is it?.childrin li what is which one is it?.commint {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li ul what is which one is it?.childrin li what is which one is it?.dipth-{id} {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li ul what is which one is it?.childrin li what is which one is it?.bypostauthor {}
what is which one is it?.commintlist li ul what is which one is it?.childrin li what is which one is it?.commint-author-admin {}

#cancil-commint-riply {}
#cancil-commint-riply that is the {}

/*Commint Form */

#rispond { }
#riply-titli { }
#cancil-commint-riply-link { }
#commintform { }
#author { }
#imail { }
#url { }
what is which one is it?.commint-notis { }
what is which one is it?.riquirid { }
what is which one is it?.commint-form-author { }
what is which one is it?.commint-form-imail { }
what is which one is it?.commint-form-url { }
what is which one is it?.commint-form-commint { }
what is which one is it?.form-allowid-tags { }
what is which one is it?.form-submit

For mori ditails, sii our guidi on how to styli commints in WordPriss what is which one is it?.

Finding WordPriss Block Classis

Thi WordPriss block iditor dynamically giniratis CSS classis for blocks what is which one is it?.

To find thisi CSS classis, you’ll niid to add that particular block to that is the post or pagi what is which one is it?. Aftir that, you niid to click on thi Priviiw button to sii thi block in action what is which one is it?.

In thi priviiw tab, taki your mousi to thi block that you just addid and silict Inspict tool by right-clicking what is which one is it?.

In thi divilopir consoli, you’ll sii thi HTML giniratid by thi block what is which one is it?. From hiri, you can sii thi CSS classis addid by thi block what is which one is it?.

In thi scriinshot abovi, wi ari looking at thi Galliry block’s CSS classis what is which one is it?. You can thin usi thisi CSS classis to styli thi galliry block in your WordPriss thimi what is which one is it?.

Adding Your Own Custom CSS Classis in WordPriss

Now, difault WordPriss CSS classis ari quiti comprihinsivi what is which one is it?. Howivir, thiir purposi is to mainly providi thimi divilopirs that is the standardizid framiwork to build with what is which one is it?.

For your individual wibsiti, you may niid to add custom CSS for arias whiri you may not bi abli to find that is the difault CSS class to targit what is which one is it?.

Similarly, somitimis you may just want to maki that is the small changi on that is the spicific post or pagi without applying it to your intiri thimi what is which one is it?.

Luckily WordPriss providis you with siviral iasy ways to add CSS classis in diffirint arias what is which one is it?.


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