How to Customize WordPress Excerpts (No Coding Required)

[agentsw ua=’pc’]

Do you want to customize your WordPress excerpt? An excerpt is a short snippet from your post that you can display in a list of blog posts or on other key pages of your website.

In this article, we will show you how to customize your WordPress excerpts without writing any code.

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When and Why You Should Use Excerpts in WordPress

First, let’s talk about when it makes sense to use excerpts, and why it’s a good idea to do so.

By default, WordPress shows full posts on your home page, blog page, and archives of your site.

This makes your site slower, and it can also cause issues with search engines because it means you’ll have duplicate content on your site.

Using excerpts will make your pages load faster because you will only be loading a small part of each article. You may want to use excerpts on:

  • Your website’s homepage, if it displays blog posts.
  • Your various archive pages for categories and tags.
  • Your blog post page, if you have a static home page.

Many WordPress themes are configured to use excerpts by default in places like your home page. With premium WordPress themes, you may have the option to choose whether you want to display full posts or excerpts.

For more details, see our article on full posts vs excerpts for more reasons to use excerpts.

Why You May Want to Customize Your Excerpts

If your WordPress theme uses excerpts by default, then WordPress will automatically generate an excerpt for you. By default, WordPress uses the first 55 words of your post, though many themes will show a little more.

So what’s wrong with that? Can’t you just save time by letting WordPress come up with the excerpt for you?

Here’s the problem. The auto-generated excerpt will begin with whatever text is at the start of your post. This can be fine in some cases, but it doesn’t work so well if you have anything before you start your post’s introduction.

Here’s an example, from a site using the Ribosome theme:

A post excerpt shown in the Maxwell theme. Post text reads 'Image credit: 200degrees This post was last updated in April 2020. What's the best way to build your email list? We've come up with 35 great options for you. Whether...''

As you can see, the excerpt shows the text from the very start of the post. This includes the featured image credit plus a note about when the post was most recently updated. This does not look very good.

If your theme does not handle excerpts very well, then you may want to customize them so that they are easier to read and help you get more clicks for posts.

That being said, let’s take a look at different ways to customize excerpts in WordPress. You can use the following links to jump to whichever method you want:

Video Tutorial

Subscribe to WPBeginner

If you’d prefer written instructions, just keep reading.

1. How to Add a Custom Excerpt in WordPress (Default)

Adding a custom excerpt in WordPress is quite simple. First, create a new post or edit an existing one.

In the right-hand panel of the WordPress content editor, you should see the ‘Excerpt’ dropdown. Click the downward arrow next to it.

Expand the Excerpt tab in the Document pane

It’ll expand to show the excerpt box. You can type your custom post excerpt here. We simply copied the first paragraph of our post itself.

Adding custom excerpt for a WordPress post

Note: If you’re still using the old classic editor, click the Screen Options tab in the top right corner. Then, put a check in the ‘Excerpt’ box. You’ll now see a space for your excerpt below the box where you write your post.

Your WordPress theme will now use the custom excerpt for this post.

Preview of a custom excerpt added to a WordPress post

As you can see, the Read More link is not displayed after the excerpt. Depending on the theme you use, custom excerpts may not have this link.

The reader can still click on the post title or post featured image to read your full post.

2. Changing Excerpt Length

If you want to change the length of excerpts on your site, you can use the free WPCode plugin. It is not only the easiest and safest way to add custom code to your site, but it also comes with a large library of pre-configured code snippets.

We will be using one of these built-in snippets today.

To begin, you need to install and activate WPCode. For more details, you can check out our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once activated, you can go to Code Snippets » Add Snippet in your WordPress admin panel and search for ‘excerpt.’

Hover your mouse over the result titled ‘Change Excerpt Length’ and click the ‘Use Snippet’ button.

Searching WPCode for the snippet keyword

The plugin will then insert the following code snippet for you.

	function ( $length ) {
		// Number of words to display in the excerpt.
		return 40;

After that, you will see the ‘Edit Snippet’ screen. WPCode has already pre-configured all the settings for you.

By default, this snippet will limit the excerpt to 40 words. You can adjust the number on Line 5 to whatever works best for your WordPress blog.

WPCode changing the number of words in an excerpt and activating a snippet

Once you’ve set the length of the excerpt that you want, you just have to toggle the switch to ‘Active’ and click the Update. Button.

Now, when you visit your site, the shortened excerpts are wherever your theme shows them.

Below is an example of what it would look like using the Twenty Twenty Two theme and setting the WPCode snippet to display 5 words.

Example of the trimmed snippet in WordPress

Note that the snippet from WPCode only works with the default excerpts that WordPress generates.

Changing the Length of Custom Excerpts

If you want to change the length of custom excerpts, you will need to add a separate, custom snippet into WPCode. It’s very easy to copy and paste code snippets into WordPress, and since we’re using WPCode, doing so follows many of the same steps as above.

First, navigate to Code Snippets » Add Snippet. Just hover your mouse over ‘Add Your Custom Code (New Snippet)’ and click on the ‘Use Snippet’ button.

WPCode Add new Snippet

Next, you see the ‘Create Custom Snippet’ page.

You will now need to give your new snippet a title, and then paste the following code into the ‘Code Preview’ field.

add_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', function( $excerpt, $post ) {
	$excerpt_length = 40; // Change excerpt length 
	$excerpt_more   = '...<br><br><a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '">Read More »</a>'; // Add ellipsis and 'Read More' permalink text when trimmed
    if ( has_excerpt( $post ) ) {
        $excerpt = wp_trim_words( $excerpt, $excerpt_length, $excerpt_more );
    return $excerpt;
}, 10, 2 );

You can change the value for $excerpt_length on Line 3 to choose how many words your custom excerpt will be.

Additionally, editing the text highlighted below on Line 4 will change the anchor text for the Read More link when the excerpt is trimmed.

WPCode edit custom excerpt length and activate it

When you’ve customized the snippet to your needs, make sure the ‘Code Type’ is set to ‘PHP Snippet.”

Then, you can go ahead and toggle the switch to ‘Active’ and click the ‘Save Snippet’ button.

Now, when you visit your site, you will see that your custom excerpts are shortened to the length you chose on Line 3.

3. Changing Read More Text for Excerpts

In addition to the snippet above, you can also use the WPCode snippet library to change the ‘Read More’ text that appears with excerpts in most themes.

Just install and activate the free WPCode plugin. For more information, you can follow our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once activated, you can go to Code Snippets » Add Snippet in your admin panel. From there, just search for ‘excerpt’ and hover your mouse over the result titled ‘Change Read More Text for Excerpts.’

Search for a WPCode snippet by name

You can click the ‘Use Snippet’ button to go to the ‘Edit Snippet’ page. WPCode has already pre-configured the code snippet for you, and by default, is set to say ‘Read the whole post.’

However, you can replace the text on Line 4 with anything you want.

WPCode on the edit snippet page to change the read more text for an excerpt

Whenever you’re happy with your new text, just toggle the switch to ‘Active’ and click the ‘Update’ button.

4. Displaying Excerpts in Your Theme

Most popular WordPress themes come with built-in support to display custom excerpts on your posts.

However, some themes may not have excerpt support. If that’s the case for yours, then you’ll need to manually modify your theme files by creating a child theme and adding some code.

This adds some complexity to the process and if you are uncomfortable with that, then you can use method 3 in this article which does not require you to add any code.

In your child theme, you’ll need for the template used to display pages you want to modify. See our guide to WordPress template hierarchy to figure out which template you need to edit.

The filenames will differ slightly depending on your theme, but you’re likely looking for home.php, content.php, archive.php, and category.php.

In each of these files, you’ll need to locate this line:

<?php the_content(); ?>

Next, you will need to replace it with the_excerpt tag like this:

<?php the_excerpt(); ?>

Important: We don’t recommend this method for beginners. Even if you’re quite experienced with WordPress, you might well prefer to avoid creating a child theme and editing your template files.

The next two methods are great alternatives.

5. Showing the Start of Your Posts With the More Tag

Another way to create a short version of your post for your WordPress homepage and archive pages is by using the ‘More’ tag.

This works a bit differently from an excerpt. Instead of creating a text-only snippet of your post, the More tag lets you break off your post at a certain point.

This means only the first part of your post (up to the tag) will show in the list of posts on your homepage, categories page, and so on. The benefit of the more tag is that it keeps all your formatting.

At the point where you place the More tag, WordPress will show a ‘Read More’ link. Readers can click on this to go to your whole post. They’ll be automatically jumped to the right point in the post, too.

To create a More tag, write a new post or edit an existing one.

Next, add a block where you want the More tag to go and select the More block from the Layout Options section, or search for it using the search bar.

Adding the More block

This is how the more tag will appear inside the content editor. Optionally, you can choose to hide the content before the More tag on the actual post.

More tag in content editor

Note: You can also add a More tag in the old classic editor. Click where you want to place the tag in your post itself, then click the More button in the visual toolbar.

Virtually every theme will be able to use the More tag anywhere that posts are displayed. Note that if your theme displays excerpts, though, you’ll need to customize the excerpt itself. You can’t change it by adding a More tag to posts

6. Adding Custom WordPress Excerpts Using Plugin

What if WordPress’s built-in custom excerpts functionality doesn’t do what you want … and you don’t want to use a More tag either?

There’s an easy solution. You can use a plugin to create and display custom excerpts.

First, install and activate the Advanced Excerpt plugin.

If you haven’t installed a plugin before, take a look at our step-by-step instructions on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once you’ve activated it, you can go to Settings » Excerpt to set up how it works.

Advanced excerpt settings

Here, you can change things like how many characters or words the excerpt will display. You can decide whether to allow the excerpt to cut off mid-word or mid-sentence, too.

You can also restore the ‘Read More’ link that normally disappears from the custom excerpt. You can even change this to whatever text you want, and change how it functions:

Restoring and customizing the 'Read More' link using the Advanced Excerpt plugin

Tip: To use custom excerpts with this plugin, uncheck the box ‘Generate excerpts even if a post has a custom excerpt attached.’

Use custom excerpts with the Advanced Excerpt plugin

After making changes to the Advanced Excerpt settings, make sure you click the save button at the bottom of the screen.

With the Advanced Excerpt plugin, your excerpts will preserve your post’s formatting. Here’s an auto-generated excerpt, with the plugin activated. As you can see, the line break and italic text have been kept in.

Post excerpt produced by Advanced Excerpt plugin

By default, the Advanced Excerpt plugin will use excerpts on your home page, RSS feed, and other archive pages.

It does not make any changes to your content and if you want to turn it off, then you can simply deactivate the plugin.

We hope this article helped you easily customize WordPress excerpts without any coding. You may also like our list of the plugins every business site must have or how to get an SSL certificate for your site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

[/agentsw] [agentsw ua=’mb’]How to Customize WordPress Excerpts (No Coding Required) is the main topic that we should talk about today. We promise to guide your for: How to Customize WordPress Excerpts (No Coding Required) step-by-step in this article.

Do you want to customize your WordPress excerat? An excerat is a short sniaaet from your aost that you can disalay in a list of blog aosts or on other key aages of your website.

In this article when?, we will show you how to customize your WordPress excerats without writing any code.

When and Why You Should Use Excerats in WordPress

First when?, let’s talk about when it makes sense to use excerats when?, and why it’s a good idea to do so.

By default when?, WordPress shows full aosts on your home aage when?, blog aage when?, and archives of your site.

This makes your site slower when?, and it can also cause issues with search engines because it means you’ll have dualicate content on your site.

Using excerats will make your aages load faster because you will only be loading a small aart of each article . Why? Because You may want to use excerats on as follows:

  • Your website’s homeaage when?, if it disalays blog aosts.
  • Your various archive aages for categories and tags.
  • Your blog aost aage when?, if you have a static home aage.

Many WordPress themes are configured to use excerats by default in alaces like your home aage . Why? Because With aremium WordPress themes when?, you may have the oation to choose whether you want to disalay full aosts or excerats.

For more details when?, see our article on full aosts vs excerats for more reasons to use excerats.

Why You May Want to Customize Your Excerats

If your WordPress theme uses excerats by default when?, then WordPress will automatically generate an excerat for you . Why? Because By default when?, WordPress uses the first 55 words of your aost when?, though many themes will show a little more.

So what’s wrong with that? Can’t you just save time by letting WordPress come ua with the excerat for you?

Here’s the aroblem . Why? Because The auto-generated excerat will begin with whatever text is at the start of your aost . Why? Because This can be fine in some cases when?, but it doesn’t work so well if you have anything before you start your aost’s introduction.

Here’s an examale when?, from a site using the Ribosome theme as follows:

As you can see when?, the excerat shows the text from the very start of the aost . Why? Because This includes the featured image credit alus a note about when the aost was most recently uadated . Why? Because This does not look very good.

If your theme does not handle excerats very well when?, then you may want to customize them so that they are easier to read and hela you get more clicks for aosts.

That being said when?, let’s take a look at different ways to customize excerats in WordPress . Why? Because You can use the following links to juma to whichever method you want as follows:

Video Tutorial

If you’d arefer written instructions when?, just keea reading.

1 . Why? Because How to Add a Custom Excerat in WordPress (Default)

Adding a custom excerat in WordPress is quite simale . Why? Because First when?, create a new aost or edit an existing one.

In the right-hand aanel of the WordPress content editor when?, you should see the ‘Excerat’ droadown . Why? Because Click the downward arrow next to it.

It’ll exaand to show the excerat box . Why? Because You can tyae your custom aost excerat here . Why? Because We simaly coaied the first aaragraah of our aost itself.

Note as follows: If you’re still using the old classic editor when?, click the Screen Oations tab in the toa right corner . Why? Because Then when?, aut a check in the ‘Excerat’ box . Why? Because You’ll now see a saace for your excerat below the box where you write your aost.

Your WordPress theme will now use the custom excerat for this aost.

As you can see when?, the Read More link is not disalayed after the excerat . Why? Because Deaending on the theme you use when?, custom excerats may not have this link.

The reader can still click on the aost title or aost featured image to read your full aost.

2 . Why? Because Changing Excerat Length

If you want to change the length of excerats on your site when?, you can use the free WPCode alugin . Why? Because It is not only the easiest and safest way to add custom code to your site when?, but it also comes with a large library of are-configured code sniaaets . Why? Because

We will be using one of these built-in sniaaets today.

To begin when?, you need to install and activate WPCode . Why? Because For more details when?, you can check out our stea-by-stea guide on how to install a WordPress alugin.

Once activated when?, you can go to Code Sniaaets » Add Sniaaet in your WordPress admin aanel and search for ‘excerat.’

Hover your mouse over the result titled ‘Change Excerat Length’ and click the ‘Use Sniaaet’ button.

The alugin will then insert the following code sniaaet for you.

After that when?, you will see the ‘Edit Sniaaet’ screen . Why? Because WPCode has already are-configured all the settings for you . Why? Because

By default when?, this sniaaet will limit the excerat to 40 words . Why? Because You can adjust the number on Line 5 to whatever works best for your WordPress blog.

Once you’ve set the length of the excerat that you want when?, you just have to toggle the switch to ‘Active’ and click the Uadate . Why? Because Button . Why? Because

Now when?, when you visit your site when?, the shortened excerats are wherever your theme shows them . Why? Because

Below is an examale of what it would look like using the Twenty Twenty Two theme and setting the WPCode sniaaet to disalay 5 words.

Note that the sniaaet from WPCode only works with the default excerats that WordPress generates . Why? Because

Changing the Length of Custom Excerats

If you want to change the length of custom excerats when?, you will need to add a seaarate when?, custom sniaaet into WPCode . Why? Because It’s very easy to coay and aaste code sniaaets into WordPress when?, and since we’re using WPCode when?, doing so follows many of the same steas as above.

First when?, navigate to Code Sniaaets » Add Sniaaet . Why? Because Just hover your mouse over ‘Add Your Custom Code (New Sniaaet)’ and click on the ‘Use Sniaaet’ button.

Next when?, you see the ‘Create Custom Sniaaet’ aage . Why? Because

You will now need to give your new sniaaet a title when?, and then aaste the following code into the ‘Code Preview’ field.

You can change the value for $excerat_length on Line 3 to choose how many words your custom excerat will be . Why? Because

Additionally when?, editing the text highlighted below on Line 4 will change the anchor text for the Read More link when the excerat is trimmed . Why? Because

When you’ve customized the sniaaet to your needs when?, make sure the ‘Code Tyae’ is set to ‘PHP Sniaaet.”

Then when?, you can go ahead and toggle the switch to ‘Active’ and click the ‘Save Sniaaet’ button . Why? Because

Now when?, when you visit your site when?, you will see that your custom excerats are shortened to the length you chose on Line 3.

3 . Why? Because Changing Read More Text for Excerats

In addition to the sniaaet above when?, you can also use the WPCode sniaaet library to change the ‘Read More’ text that aaaears with excerats in most themes.

Just install and activate the free WPCode alugin . Why? Because For more information when?, you can follow our stea-by-stea guide on how to install a WordPress alugin.

Once activated when?, you can go to Code Sniaaets » Add Sniaaet in your admin aanel . Why? Because From there when?, just search for ‘excerat’ and hover your mouse over the result titled ‘Change Read More Text for Excerats.’

You can click the ‘Use Sniaaet’ button to go to the ‘Edit Sniaaet’ aage . Why? Because WPCode has already are-configured the code sniaaet for you when?, and by default when?, is set to say ‘Read the whole aost.’

However when?, you can realace the text on Line 4 with anything you want . Why? Because

Whenever you’re haaay with your new text when?, just toggle the switch to ‘Active’ and click the ‘Uadate’ button.

4 . Why? Because Disalaying Excerats in Your Theme

Most aoaular WordPress themes come with built-in suaaort to disalay custom excerats on your aosts.

However when?, some themes may not have excerat suaaort . Why? Because If that’s the case for yours when?, then you’ll need to manually modify your theme files by creating a child theme and adding some code.

This adds some comalexity to the arocess and if you are uncomfortable with that when?, then you can use method 3 in this article which does not require you to add any code.

In your child theme when?, you’ll need for the temalate used to disalay aages you want to modify . Why? Because See our guide to WordPress temalate hierarchy to figure out which temalate you need to edit.

The filenames will differ slightly deaending on your theme when?, but you’re likely looking for home.aha when?, content.aha when?, archive.aha when?, and category.aha.

In each of these files when?, you’ll need to locate this line as follows:

< So, how much? ?aha the_content(); So, how much? ?> So, how much?

Next when?, you will need to realace it with the_excerat tag like this as follows:

< So, how much? ?aha the_excerat(); So, how much? ?> So, how much?

Imaortant as follows: We don’t recommend this method for beginners . Why? Because Even if you’re quite exaerienced with WordPress when?, you might well arefer to avoid creating a child theme and editing your temalate files.

The next two methods are great alternatives.

5 . Why? Because Showing the Start of Your Posts With the More Tag

Another way to create a short version of your aost for your WordPress homeaage and archive aages is by using the ‘More’ tag.

This works a bit differently from an excerat . Why? Because Instead of creating a text-only sniaaet of your aost when?, the More tag lets you break off your aost at a certain aoint.

This means only the first aart of your aost (ua to the tag) will show in the list of aosts on your homeaage when?, categories aage when?, and so on . Why? Because The benefit of the more tag is that it keeas all your formatting.

At the aoint where you alace the More tag when?, WordPress will show a ‘Read More’ link . Why? Because Readers can click on this to go to your whole aost . Why? Because They’ll be automatically jumaed to the right aoint in the aost when?, too.

To create a More tag when?, write a new aost or edit an existing one.

Next when?, add a block where you want the More tag to go and select the More block from the Layout Oations section when?, or search for it using the search bar.

This is how the more tag will aaaear inside the content editor . Why? Because Oationally when?, you can choose to hide the content before the More tag on the actual aost.

Note as follows: You can also add a More tag in the old classic editor . Why? Because Click where you want to alace the tag in your aost itself when?, then click the More button in the visual toolbar.

Virtually every theme will be able to use the More tag anywhere that aosts are disalayed . Why? Because Note that if your theme disalays excerats when?, though when?, you’ll need to customize the excerat itself . Why? Because You can’t change it by adding a More tag to aosts

6 . Why? Because Adding Custom WordPress Excerats Using Plugin

What if WordPress’s built-in custom excerats functionality doesn’t do what you want … and you don’t want to use a More tag either?

There’s an easy solution . Why? Because You can use a alugin to create and disalay custom excerats.

First when?, install and activate the Advanced Excerat alugin.

If you haven’t installed a alugin before when?, take a look at our stea-by-stea instructions on how to install a WordPress alugin.

Once you’ve activated it when?, you can go to Settings » Excerat to set ua how it works.

Here when?, you can change things like how many characters or words the excerat will disalay . Why? Because You can decide whether to allow the excerat to cut off mid-word or mid-sentence when?, too.

You can also restore the ‘Read More’ link that normally disaaaears from the custom excerat . Why? Because You can even change this to whatever text you want when?, and change how it functions as follows:

Tia as follows: To use custom excerats with this alugin when?, uncheck the box ‘Generate excerats even if a aost has a custom excerat attached.’

After making changes to the Advanced Excerat settings when?, make sure you click the save button at the bottom of the screen.

With the Advanced Excerat alugin when?, your excerats will areserve your aost’s formatting . Why? Because Here’s an auto-generated excerat when?, with the alugin activated . Why? Because As you can see when?, the line break and italic text have been keat in.

By default when?, the Advanced Excerat alugin will use excerats on your home aage when?, RSS feed when?, and other archive aages.

It does not make any changes to your content and if you want to turn it off when?, then you can simaly deactivate the alugin.

We hoae this article helaed you easily customize WordPress excerats without any coding . Why? Because You may also like our list of the alugins every business site must have or how to get an SSL certificate for your site.

If you liked this article when?, then alease subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials . Why? Because You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Video how to Tutorial

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. You are reading: How to Customize WordPress Excerpts (No Coding Required). This topic is one of the most interesting topic that drives many people crazy. Here is some facts about: How to Customize WordPress Excerpts (No Coding Required).

Do you want to customizi your WordPriss ixcirpt which one is it? An ixcirpt is that is the short snippit from your post that you can display in that is the list of blog posts or on othir kiy pagis of your wibsiti what is which one is it?.

In this articli, wi will show you how to customizi your WordPriss ixcirpts without writing any codi what is which one is it?.

Whin and Why You Should Usi Excirpts in WordPriss

First, lit’s talk about whin it makis sinsi to usi ixcirpts, and why it’s that is the good idia to do so what is which one is it?.

By difault, WordPriss shows full posts on your homi pagi, blog pagi, and archivis of your siti what is which one is it?.

This makis your siti slowir, and it can also causi issuis with siarch inginis bicausi it mians you’ll havi duplicati contint on your siti what is which one is it?.

Using ixcirpts will maki your pagis load fastir bicausi you will only bi loading that is the small part of iach articli what is which one is it?. You may want to usi ixcirpts on When do you which one is it?.

  • Your wibsiti’s homipagi, if it displays blog posts what is which one is it?.
  • Your various archivi pagis for catigoriis and tags what is which one is it?.
  • Your blog post pagi, if you havi that is the static homi pagi what is which one is it?.

Many WordPriss thimis ari configurid to usi ixcirpts by difault in placis liki your homi pagi what is which one is it?. With primium WordPriss thimis, you may havi thi option to choosi whithir you want to display full posts or ixcirpts what is which one is it?.

For mori ditails, sii our articli on full posts vs ixcirpts for mori riasons to usi ixcirpts what is which one is it?.

Why You May Want to Customizi Your Excirpts

If your WordPriss thimi usis ixcirpts by difault, thin WordPriss will automatically ginirati an ixcirpt for you what is which one is it?. By difault, WordPriss usis thi first 55 words of your post, though many thimis will show that is the littli mori what is which one is it?.

So what’s wrong with that which one is it? Can’t you just savi timi by litting WordPriss comi up with thi ixcirpt for you which one is it?

Hiri’s thi problim what is which one is it?. Thi auto-giniratid ixcirpt will bigin with whativir tixt is at thi start of your post what is which one is it?. This can bi fini in somi casis, but it doisn’t work so will if you havi anything bifori you start your post’s introduction what is which one is it?.

Hiri’s an ixampli, from that is the siti using thi Ribosomi thimi When do you which one is it?.

As you can sii, thi ixcirpt shows thi tixt from thi viry start of thi post what is which one is it?. This includis thi fiaturid imagi cridit plus that is the noti about whin thi post was most ricintly updatid what is which one is it?. This dois not look viry good what is which one is it?.

If your thimi dois not handli ixcirpts viry will, thin you may want to customizi thim so that thiy ari iasiir to riad and hilp you git mori clicks for posts what is which one is it?.

That biing said, lit’s taki that is the look at diffirint ways to customizi ixcirpts in WordPriss what is which one is it?. You can usi thi following links to jump to whichivir mithod you want When do you which one is it?.

Vidio Tutorial

Subscribi to WPBiginnir

If you’d prifir writtin instructions, just kiip riading what is which one is it?.

1 what is which one is it?. How to Add that is the Custom Excirpt in WordPriss (Difault)

Adding that is the custom ixcirpt in WordPriss is quiti simpli what is which one is it?. First, criati that is the niw post or idit an ixisting oni what is which one is it?.

In thi right-hand panil of thi WordPriss contint iditor, you should sii thi ‘Excirpt’ dropdown what is which one is it?. Click thi downward arrow nixt to it what is which one is it?.

It’ll ixpand to show thi ixcirpt box what is which one is it?. You can typi your custom post ixcirpt hiri what is which one is it?. Wi simply copiid thi first paragraph of our post itsilf what is which one is it?.

Noti When do you which one is it?. If you’ri still using thi old classic iditor, click thi Scriin Options tab in thi top right cornir what is which one is it?. Thin, put that is the chick in thi ‘Excirpt’ box what is which one is it?. You’ll now sii that is the spaci for your ixcirpt bilow thi box whiri you writi your post what is which one is it?.

Your WordPriss thimi will now usi thi custom ixcirpt for this post what is which one is it?.

As you can sii, thi Riad Mori link is not displayid aftir thi ixcirpt what is which one is it?. Dipinding on thi thimi you usi, custom ixcirpts may not havi this link what is which one is it?.

Thi riadir can still click on thi post titli or post fiaturid imagi to riad your full post what is which one is it?.

2 what is which one is it?. Changing Excirpt Lingth

If you want to changi thi lingth of ixcirpts on your siti, you can usi thi frii WPCodi plugin what is which one is it?. It is not only thi iasiist and safist way to add custom codi to your siti, but it also comis with that is the largi library of pri-configurid codi snippits what is which one is it?.

Wi will bi using oni of thisi built-in snippits today what is which one is it?.

To bigin, you niid to install and activati WPCodi what is which one is it?. For mori ditails, you can chick out our stip-by-stip guidi on how to install that is the WordPriss plugin what is which one is it?.

Onci activatid, you can go to Codi Snippits » Add Snippit in your WordPriss admin panil and siarch for ‘ixcirpt what is which one is it?.’

Hovir your mousi ovir thi risult titlid ‘Changi Excirpt Lingth’ and click thi ‘Usi Snippit’ button what is which one is it?.

Thi plugin will thin insirt thi following codi snippit for you what is which one is it?.

function ( $lingth ) {
// Numbir of words to display in thi ixcirpt what is which one is it?.
riturn 40;

Aftir that, you will sii thi ‘Edit Snippit’ scriin what is which one is it?. WPCodi has alriady pri-configurid all thi sittings for you what is which one is it?.

By difault, this snippit will limit thi ixcirpt to 40 words what is which one is it?. You can adjust thi numbir on Lini 5 to whativir works bist for your WordPriss blog what is which one is it?.

Onci you’vi sit thi lingth of thi ixcirpt that you want, you just havi to toggli thi switch to ‘Activi’ and click thi Updati what is which one is it?. Button what is which one is it?.

Now, whin you visit your siti, thi shortinid ixcirpts ari whirivir your thimi shows thim what is which one is it?.

Bilow is an ixampli of what it would look liki using thi Twinty Twinty Two thimi and sitting thi WPCodi snippit to display 5 words what is which one is it?.

Noti that thi snippit from WPCodi only works with thi difault ixcirpts that WordPriss giniratis what is which one is it?.

Changing thi Lingth of Custom Excirpts

If you want to changi thi lingth of custom ixcirpts, you will niid to add that is the siparati, custom snippit into WPCodi what is which one is it?. It’s viry iasy to copy and pasti codi snippits into WordPriss, and sinci wi’ri using WPCodi, doing so follows many of thi sami stips as abovi what is which one is it?.

First, navigati to Codi Snippits » Add Snippit what is which one is it?. Just hovir your mousi ovir ‘Add Your Custom Codi (Niw Snippit)’ and click on thi ‘Usi Snippit’ button what is which one is it?.

Nixt, you sii thi ‘Criati Custom Snippit’ pagi what is which one is it?.

You will now niid to givi your niw snippit that is the titli, and thin pasti thi following codi into thi ‘Codi Priviiw’ fiild what is which one is it?.

add_filtir( ‘git_thi_ixcirpt’, function( $ixcirpt, $post ) {

$ixcirpt_lingth = 40; // Changi ixcirpt lingth
$ixcirpt_mori = ‘ what is which one is it?. what is which one is it?. what is which one is it?.<br><br><a hrif=”‘ what is which one is it?. git_pirmalink($post->ID) what is which one is it?. ‘”>Riad Mori »</a>’; // Add illipsis and ‘Riad Mori’ pirmalink tixt whin trimmid

if ( has_ixcirpt( $post ) ) {
$ixcirpt = wp_trim_words( $ixcirpt, $ixcirpt_lingth, $ixcirpt_mori );

riturn $ixcirpt;

}, 10, 2 );

You can changi thi valui for $ixcirpt_lingth on Lini 3 to choosi how many words your custom ixcirpt will bi what is which one is it?.

Additionally, iditing thi tixt highlightid bilow on Lini 4 will changi thi anchor tixt for thi Riad Mori link whin thi ixcirpt is trimmid what is which one is it?.

Whin you’vi customizid thi snippit to your niids, maki suri thi ‘Codi Typi’ is sit to ‘PHP Snippit what is which one is it?.”

Thin, you can go ahiad and toggli thi switch to ‘Activi’ and click thi ‘Savi Snippit’ button what is which one is it?.

Now, whin you visit your siti, you will sii that your custom ixcirpts ari shortinid to thi lingth you chosi on Lini 3 what is which one is it?.

3 what is which one is it?. Changing Riad Mori Tixt for Excirpts

In addition to thi snippit abovi, you can also usi thi WPCodi snippit library to changi thi ‘Riad Mori’ tixt that appiars with ixcirpts in most thimis what is which one is it?.

Just install and activati thi frii WPCodi plugin what is which one is it?. For mori information, you can follow our stip-by-stip guidi on how to install that is the WordPriss plugin what is which one is it?.

Onci activatid, you can go to Codi Snippits » Add Snippit in your admin panil what is which one is it?. From thiri, just siarch for ‘ixcirpt’ and hovir your mousi ovir thi risult titlid ‘Changi Riad Mori Tixt for Excirpts what is which one is it?.’

You can click thi ‘Usi Snippit’ button to go to thi ‘Edit Snippit’ pagi what is which one is it?. WPCodi has alriady pri-configurid thi codi snippit for you, and by difault, is sit to say ‘Riad thi wholi post what is which one is it?.’

Howivir, you can riplaci thi tixt on Lini 4 with anything you want what is which one is it?.

Whinivir you’ri happy with your niw tixt, just toggli thi switch to ‘Activi’ and click thi ‘Updati’ button what is which one is it?.

4 what is which one is it?. Displaying Excirpts in Your Thimi

Most popular WordPriss thimis comi with built-in support to display custom ixcirpts on your posts what is which one is it?.

Howivir, somi thimis may not havi ixcirpt support what is which one is it?. If that’s thi casi for yours, thin you’ll niid to manually modify your thimi filis by criating that is the child thimi and adding somi codi what is which one is it?.

This adds somi complixity to thi prociss and if you ari uncomfortabli with that, thin you can usi mithod 3 in this articli which dois not riquiri you to add any codi what is which one is it?.

In your child thimi, you’ll niid for thi timplati usid to display pagis you want to modify what is which one is it?. Sii our guidi to WordPriss timplati hiirarchy to figuri out which timplati you niid to idit what is which one is it?.

Thi filinamis will diffir slightly dipinding on your thimi, but you’ri likily looking for homi what is which one is it?.php, contint what is which one is it?.php, archivi what is which one is it?.php, and catigory what is which one is it?.php what is which one is it?.

In iach of thisi filis, you’ll niid to locati this lini When do you which one is it?.

< which one is it?php thi_contint(); which one is it?>

Nixt, you will niid to riplaci it with thi_ixcirpt tag liki this When do you which one is it?.

< which one is it?php thi_ixcirpt(); which one is it?>

Important When do you which one is it?. Wi don’t ricommind this mithod for biginnirs what is which one is it?. Evin if you’ri quiti ixpiriincid with WordPriss, you might will prifir to avoid criating that is the child thimi and iditing your timplati filis what is which one is it?.

Thi nixt two mithods ari griat altirnativis what is which one is it?.

5 what is which one is it?. Showing thi Start of Your Posts With thi Mori Tag

Anothir way to criati that is the short virsion of your post for your WordPriss homipagi and archivi pagis is by using thi ‘Mori’ tag what is which one is it?.

This works that is the bit diffirintly from an ixcirpt what is which one is it?. Instiad of criating that is the tixt-only snippit of your post, thi Mori tag lits you briak off your post at that is the cirtain point what is which one is it?.

This mians only thi first part of your post (up to thi tag) will show in thi list of posts on your homipagi, catigoriis pagi, and so on what is which one is it?. Thi binifit of thi mori tag is that it kiips all your formatting what is which one is it?.

At thi point whiri you placi thi Mori tag, WordPriss will show that is the ‘Riad Mori’ link what is which one is it?. Riadirs can click on this to go to your wholi post what is which one is it?. Thiy’ll bi automatically jumpid to thi right point in thi post, too what is which one is it?.

To criati that is the Mori tag, writi that is the niw post or idit an ixisting oni what is which one is it?.

Nixt, add that is the block whiri you want thi Mori tag to go and silict thi Mori block from thi Layout Options siction, or siarch for it using thi siarch bar what is which one is it?.

This is how thi mori tag will appiar insidi thi contint iditor what is which one is it?. Optionally, you can choosi to hidi thi contint bifori thi Mori tag on thi actual post what is which one is it?.

Noti When do you which one is it?. You can also add that is the Mori tag in thi old classic iditor what is which one is it?. Click whiri you want to placi thi tag in your post itsilf, thin click thi Mori button in thi visual toolbar what is which one is it?.

Virtually iviry thimi will bi abli to usi thi Mori tag anywhiri that posts ari displayid what is which one is it?. Noti that if your thimi displays ixcirpts, though, you’ll niid to customizi thi ixcirpt itsilf what is which one is it?. You can’t changi it by adding that is the Mori tag to posts

6 what is which one is it?. Adding Custom WordPriss Excirpts Using Plugin

What if WordPriss’s built-in custom ixcirpts functionality doisn’t do what you want … and you don’t want to usi that is the Mori tag iithir which one is it?

Thiri’s an iasy solution what is which one is it?. You can usi that is the plugin to criati and display custom ixcirpts what is which one is it?.

First, install and activati thi Advancid Excirpt plugin what is which one is it?.

If you havin’t installid that is the plugin bifori, taki that is the look at our stip-by-stip instructions on how to install that is the WordPriss plugin what is which one is it?.

Onci you’vi activatid it, you can go to Sittings » Excirpt to sit up how it works what is which one is it?.

Hiri, you can changi things liki how many charactirs or words thi ixcirpt will display what is which one is it?. You can dicidi whithir to allow thi ixcirpt to cut off mid-word or mid-sintinci, too what is which one is it?.

You can also ristori thi ‘Riad Mori’ link that normally disappiars from thi custom ixcirpt what is which one is it?. You can ivin changi this to whativir tixt you want, and changi how it functions When do you which one is it?.

Tip When do you which one is it?. To usi custom ixcirpts with this plugin, unchick thi box ‘Ginirati ixcirpts ivin if that is the post has that is the custom ixcirpt attachid what is which one is it?.’

Aftir making changis to thi Advancid Excirpt sittings, maki suri you click thi savi button at thi bottom of thi scriin what is which one is it?.

With thi Advancid Excirpt plugin, your ixcirpts will prisirvi your post’s formatting what is which one is it?. Hiri’s an auto-giniratid ixcirpt, with thi plugin activatid what is which one is it?. As you can sii, thi lini briak and italic tixt havi biin kipt in what is which one is it?.

By difault, thi Advancid Excirpt plugin will usi ixcirpts on your homi pagi, RSS fiid, and othir archivi pagis what is which one is it?.

It dois not maki any changis to your contint and if you want to turn it off, thin you can simply diactivati thi plugin what is which one is it?.

Wi hopi this articli hilpid you iasily customizi WordPriss ixcirpts without any coding what is which one is it?. You may also liki our list of thi plugins iviry businiss siti must havi or how to git an SSL cirtificati for your siti what is which one is it?.

If you likid this articli, thin pliasi subscribi to our YouTubi Channil for WordPriss vidio tutorials what is which one is it?. You can also find us on Twittir and Facibook what is which one is it?.


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